Mental Rehearsal for Riders Masterclass
There are endless trainers out there that will teach you to think through your pattern, shuffling around the stall aisle before you compete, and call it “visualization.”
And if that approach ever actually worked for you, you wouldn’t be here right now.
Eagerly looking for a proven process that delivers RESULTS.
Ready to make earning that belt buckle and nailing that run feel like deja vu and not some far off dream?
This is the mental rehearsal experience that will do just that!
You’re about to master your innate ability to mentally rehearse your best rides into reality, as I guide you step-by-step through MY proven technique for mastering focus, confidence, and performance in the saddle–every single time.
This is one of my most valuable processes for delivering real life RESULTS in the saddle.
Personally, I rely on this process before all my competitive runs, and it’s been key to help me easily smash through those sticky spots in my own training. After this training, I know you’ll be doing the same—rehearsing your rides mentally and seeing breakthrough after breakthrough in your performance.
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I always visualize the run before I do it. By the time I get to the start gate, I’ve run that race 100 times already in my head, picturing how I’ll take the turns.
When I get there, I’ve already pictured what’s going to happen a million times so I don’t actually have to think about it.
Mental rehearsal allowed me to step into the version of myself I had always aspired to be. The more I saw it in my mind, the more it became my reality in the saddle.